
Thema: Everybody is Leonardo
Image title: Leonardo da Vinci – Liedtke/ Original

The measurable results of the General Information Theory: i = M/ Original

Thema: The biological evolution results of the General Information Theory/ Original

Thema:The consequence of the biological evolution research results of the General Information Theory: i = M + i = Life + I = Health + Eternal Life (Life ∞)/ Original

Thema: Evolutionary overview of the creation formulas and their interaction on our social and individual development, as well as the elaboration of the necessary information set screws for the development of an ethical world with an increasing world population/ Original

Theme: Information, actions and architectural symbols for the development of global peace between nations and religions/ Original

Subject: Works of art whose findings anticipated Nobel Prizes by decades or key functions in the development of general information theory: i = M contain and 97 new Theorys/ Original

Theme: 9 works of art show in rough steps of society, from the Stone Age to the future, an evolving creativity and intelligence in populations with which all people (even with an increasing world population) can live in ethical harmony with nature in dignity and freedom/ Original