
Title: Dali-Liedtke
Innovation Dali: The permanence of memory 1931/Artist Salvador Dali 1904–1989
Innovation Liedtke: Graphic art formula application in the image

Artist Marc Chagall: 1887–1985
Picture title: Me and the Village 1911
Innovation Marc Chagall: Thought pictures of a village placed in a coherent sequence.
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist Andre Masson: 1896–1987
Title: Meditation on an Oak Leaf 1942
Innovation Andre Masson: Readable overarching processes of nature through observation of a sub-area
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist Paul Devaux: 1897–1994
Picture title: The Welcome-The Meeting 1938
Innovation Pisanello: Portrait with flowers for the first time
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist Kurt Schwitters: 1887–1948
Image title: Merzbild 25A. The constellation 1920
Innovation Kurt Schwitters: Products of Mass Society Blur Boundaries between Image and Relief
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist Juan Miro: 1893–1983
Image title: People and dog in front of the sun 1949
Innovation Juan Miro: Separation of top and bottom is abolished-Own alphabetic sign language
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist Max Ernst: 1891–1979
Title: The Temptation of St. Anthony 1943
Innovation Max Ernst: Combines medieval painting with traumatic conditions
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist Giorgio di Chirico: 1884–1978
Title: The Prodigal Son 1922

Innovation Giorgio di Chirico: Father and son relationship without security
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist Oskar Schlemmer: 1888–1943
Title: Bauhaus Staircase 1932
Innovation Oskar Schlemmer: architecture and people are intertwined
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist Rene Magritte: 1898–1967
Image title: The Threatened Murderer 1926
Innovation Oskar Schlemmer: Norms of society are suspended in the surreal
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Innovation: Art formula
Innovation: juxtaposition of the innovations of different artists in a picture with applied graphics of the art formula
Innovation Technique: Digital Print / Unique Size/Original Artwork with Dieter Liedtke’s DNA in red
Innovation used in the series: art key for any form of art:
Life + expansion of consciousness = art or old information + new information = evolution
Series title: Art Formula
Working Dates from: 1988–
Year: 2003
Signature: Liedtke
Material: Stretched Canvas
Dimensions: 89 cm x 130 cm

Van Gogh-Liedtke

Title: Van Gogh-Liedtke
Innovation Van Gogh: Esspressive Colouring-New Emotion-Oriented Painting Style Based on the Techniques of Japanese Woodblock Prints/ Picture Title: Sunflowers in a Vase/ Artist Vincent van Gogh: 1853–1890
Innovation Liedtke: Graphic art formula application in the image.

Artist Henri Toulose – Lautrec: 1864–1901
Image title: The Toilet 1896
Innovation Henri Toulose – Lautrec: Turns against the academic and symbolic painting of the time / Realistic atmospheric paintings without class distinctions
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work/ The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist Henri Fantin–Latour: 1836–1904
Image title: Still life ‘To the engagement’
Innovation Henri Fantin – Latour: Develops painting technique to depict the finest elegance / Combines French, Spanish and Italian still-life techniques to create a characteristic of his own
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work/ The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist: Edouard Manet: 1832–1883
Image title: Breakfast in the open air 1863
Innovation Edouard Manet: Representation of the nude leads to accusations of depraved thoughts / Execution in a deliberately classical painting style
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work/ The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist Paul Cézanne: 1839–1906
Image title: Mont Sainte – Victoire, seen from the stone brunch Bibémus 1898–1906
Innovation Paul Cézanne: Wise steps towards abstract painting
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work/ The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist Ernst–Ludwig Kirchner: 1880–1938
Image title: The street 1907
Innovation Ernst – Ludwig Kirchner: Restless Dynamics / Colouring and Curved Lines Create Their Own Rhythm
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work/ The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist: Auguste Renoir: 1841–1919
Image title: Galette 1876 / 77
Innovation Auguste Renoir: Large surfaces and contours dissolve in the shimmering light—and colour effects
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work/ The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist Ernst—Ludwig Kirchner: 1880–1938
Image title: The street 1907
Innovation Ernst – Ludwig Kirchner: Restless Dynamics / Colouring and Curved Lines Create Their Own Rhythm
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work/ The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist: Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Picture title Dike breakthrough 1910
Innovation Karl Schmidt-Rottluff: Broad lines and colour lines, change of natural colours
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work/ The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist Paul Gauguin: 1848–1903
Image title: When are you getting married? (‘Nafea faa ipopo?’) 1892
Innovation Paul Gauguin: New symbolism and new planar painting technique / Splits large areas into colour nuances and spots / Indigenous equality
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work/ The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist August Macke: 1887–1914
Image title: Girl among flowers 1914
Innovation August Macke: Unity of colour, light and space / Objects dissolve into the play of light and shadow.
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work/ The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Innovation: Art formula
Innovation: juxtaposition of the innovations of different artists in a picture with applied graphics of the art formula
Innovation Technique: Digital Print / Unique Size/Original Artwork with Dieter Liedtke’s DNA in red
Innovation used in the series: art key for any form of art:
Life + expansion of consciousness = art or old information + new information = evolution
Series title: Art Formula
Working Dates from: 1988–2003
Year: 2003
Signature: Liedtke
Material: Stretched Canvas
Dimensions: 89cm x 130cm


Title: Arcimboldo-Liedtke
Innovation Arcimboldo: Portrait of plants
Title: Spring 1563/ Artist Arcimboldo:
Innovation Liedtke: Graphic Art Formula-
Application in the image

Artist Pisanello: 1395–1450
Title: Portrait of Lionell d’Est 1441
Innovation Pisanello: Portrait with flowers for the first time
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist Piero della Francesca: 1420–92
Image title: Double portrait of Federico da Montefeltro and his wife Battista Sforza 1470
Innovation Piero della Francesca: Portrait in an exaggerated position with a view of the endless expanse of the landscape
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work/ The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Artist Caravaggio: 1573–1610
Title: Youthful Bacchus 1591–93
Innovation Caravaggio: Radical realism – dirty fingernails – effeminate, adorned figure of the gods/ Caravaggio 1573–1610
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work/ The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Innovation: Art formula
Innovation: juxtaposition of the innovations of different artists in a picture with applied graphics of the art formula
Innovation Technique: Digital Print / Unique Size/Original Artwork with Dieter Liedtke’s DNA in red
Innovation used in the series: art key for any form of art:
Life + expansion of consciousness = art or old information + new information = evolution
Series title: Art Formula
Working Dates from: 1988–2003
Year: 2003
Signature: Liedtke
Material: Stretched Canvas
Dimensions: 89 cm x 130 cm

Albrecht Dürer-Liedtke

Title: Albrecht Dürer-Liedtke
Innovation Albrecht Dürer: Equation of the Artist with King and God/Picture title: Self-portrait/ Artist Albrecht Dürer:1471–1528
Innovation Liedtke: Graphic art formula application in the image

Innovation Jan van Eyck: Oil Painting / The application of several translucent layers of paint resulted in previously unknown depth and luminosity/ Picture title: Portrait of Cardinal N. Albergati 1432/ Artist Jan van Eyck 1390–1441
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Innovation Robert Campin: Tendency towards Three-Dimensionality/ Picture title: Portrait of a Man 1435/ Artist Robert Campin 1380–1444
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Innovation Luca Signorelli: Applies the sculpted Tuscan painting style to pictures as well.
Title: Portrait of a jurist 1490–1500/ Artist Luca Signorelli 1450–1523
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Innovation Titian: liveliness and dynamics come to the fore/ Title: Portrait of a Man ca. 1512/Artist Titian: 1480–1571
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Innovation: Art formula
Innovation: juxtaposition of the innovations of different artists in a picture with applied graphics of the art formula
Innovation Technique: Digital Print / Unique Size/Original Artwork with Dieter Liedtke’s DNA in red
Innovation of the Art Key series for any form of art:
Life + expansion of consciousness = art or old information + new information = evolution
Series title: Art Formula
Working Dates from: 1988–2003
Year: 2003
Signature: Liedtke
Material: Stretched Canvas
Dimensions: 89 cm x 130 cm

Leonardo da Vinci-Liedtke

Title: Leonardo da Vinci-Liedtke
Innovation Leonardo: Soft transitions = Fumato/two different perspectives in the background/ Artist Leonardo da Vinci: 1452–1519
Innovation Liedtke: Graphic art formula application in the image

Innovation Hieronymus Bosch: Continuous Space Development/ Picture title: The Penitent St. Jerome 1500/ Artist Hieronymus Bosch 1450–1516
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Raphael innovation: Earthly and heavenly zones are given a different degree of reality. Title: The Madonna of Foligno 1512/ Artist Raphael: 1483–1520
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Innovation Hans Memling: Almost photographic representation of the hands/
Title: Portrait of a Praying Man 1480–85/ Artist Hans Memling: 1430–1494
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and breathing work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer. This generates new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the observer for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.

Innovation Liedtke: Art Formula
Innovation Liedtke: juxtaposition of the innovations of different artists in a picture with applied graphics of the art formula
Innovation Technology: Digital printing, one-of-a-kind size/
Original artwork with Dieter Liedtke’s DNA in red
Innovation used in the series: art key for any form of art:
Life + expansion of consciousness = art or old information + new information = evolution
Series title: Art Formula
Working Dates from: 1988-
Year: 2003
Signature: Liedtke
Material: Stretched Canvas
Dimensions: 89 cm x 130 cm